Ace with innovation.

Narmadha Karan
4 min readJun 16, 2021

Steve jobs once mentioned that “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower.” Innovation in very simplified language means thinking out of box. World without innovation is just like body without soul. Have it not been there , our life would have been monotonous. Innovation is changing the old into new in a visionary way. Its a process that help add useful and meaningful value to society. Innovation is not just science related innovation or discovering new scientific mantra’s but it is process applicable universally. A person, a company , a society without innovation is nothing but like earth without life. To win the race we humans are running we need to work towards meaningful innovation tactics.

It is a dynamic process of bringing up new creative ways, working on them and bringing it to life .Improving the aged processes and remodel the. This process can be on larger scale like companies like google have swapped our traditional practices of business and on small scale entrepreneurs are back and forth coming up with innovative ideas and setting benchmarks . For a business innovation is present in different forms like innovative ways to products to your customers, new designs to answer customer needs, using advanced technology to deal with orders and clients, planning out a way to lower production cost and time, continuously adding up different sort of products ad services to keep up with the dynamic industry, new and improvised way of business is the need of hour. Not just providing customer with new equipment or lower cost going to work in long run. Our practice of innovating is what is the answer to set a benchmark.

People now a days admire smart work than hard work. To survive the market competition , we constantly have to walk on the road of innovation, else we will be left behind and will diminish our existence. To have your foot set in marketplace innovation comes handy. If we do not innovate , the day is not far away when your existence in the fickle market will diminish. The result of innovation is new and creative good and services.

Creativity and innovation are part of same process but very slight difference , creativity is thinking out of the box while innovation is successful implementation of out of box ideas. Innovation can be sustaining and disruptive .Sustaining innovation is improvising product on the available customer demand while disruptive is where new products make a new market which eventually swipe away the competitors.

To plan out a successful innovation process , we need to keep in mind 3 phases that is idea creation or generation then problem solving and planning out the innovation process and lastly its implementation. For successful innovation process creating surrounding fit for this process is important as innovative ideas generate in suitable environment.

The imperatives of innovation are- Aspire , choose , discover , evolve, accelerate, scale, extend, mobilize. Aspire for your goal of innovation and choose the path or process that will help you achieve successful implementation. Discover the ways that will help you and evolve the process with the demands and that will keep you ahead if the time .Accelerate or go on with the process. Scale or track your performance, extend or spread awareness about your innovative work and mobilize to help big company recognize your potential and thus you can achieve your innovative idea a great platform.

Failure is a chance process that comes in the way of innovation whose reason can vary, it can be internal or external. Majorly external reason of failure can be out of our hand and control, we have no ay on it many times. Internal reason can linked with the process of innovation or culture of infrastructure . Failure can be due to poor goal definition or poor setting of goals, not well planned steps to goal of the process, less participation in team, not proper tracking of results, weak communication in the team or less efficient access to information. If taken care these factors are nothing to fear about and success of innovation process is not too far.

Innovation is a crucial part in society and economy, it frames out total well being of a society . It provides with efficiency, quality of life , and productive growth. Even developing countries on upfront are supporting innovation while developed countries have reached that position cause they supported innovation. Policy makers have been working to foster innovation and provide maximum funds towards research and development . Development and innovation go hand in hand. Countries have taken proactive roles to support innovation and which is like the need of hour to keep up with fast pace of world.

Rightly said by Theodore Levitt:

“creativity is thinking up new things. Innovation is doing new things.”

